Identify, classify, and verify security errors in software
Identifying the real vulnerabilities on web pages, in code, or in infrastructure that can cause a security incident is a challenge. The challenge is compounded by accelerating digitization and exponential IT innovation on top of the trillions of lines of code that have been written over the past 20 years. Meeting this challenge requires specific security scanning tools, knowledge of how to use the security scanners, as well as expertise to identify and address false positives and false negatives.
Vulnerability Assessment
The core of vulnerability assessment is to rapidly assess large quantities of code from a security point of view. This is done by using sophisticated security scanners to conduct Static Application Security Testing (SAST).
SATS is a method of security testing that examines the source code, bytecode, or binary code of an application for vulnerabilities. It’s a type of testing that is performed with complete access to the code but without executing the program, focusing on finding security flaws within the code itself.
This is how SAST typically works: