The Board of Directors is responsible towards NNIT’s shareholders and other stakeholders, for the overall performance of the company as well as the financial development and overall strategy of the company. The Board consists of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman and two to six other board members elected by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting based on recommendations by the Chairmanship. Board members elected by the shareholders are elected for a term of one year. Re-election can take place.
The Board of Directors of NNIT A/S
The NNIT employees elect a number of representatives corresponding to half of the total number of board members elected by the shareholders. All board members are registered with the Danish Business Authority.
When nominating candidates for the Board of Directors, the Chairmanship seeks to achieve a balance between renewal and continuity, and it is NNIT’s aim that at least half of its shareholder-elected board members are independent in accordance with the Danish Corporate Governance Recommendations.
Employee-elected board members should reflect the composition of NNIT’s employees.
It is NNIT’s aim that the Board of Directors possesses the qualifications of integrity, accountability, fairness, financial literacy, commitment and desire for innovation and experience from the management of companies, which market their products and services globally.
The Board of Directors holds at least six to eight ordinary meetings a year including one strategy meeting. The Chairman convenes an extraordinary meeting when deemed necessary or when requested by a member of the Board of Directors, a member of the Executive Management, or by the Company’s external auditor.
Every year, the Board of Directors conducts a self-assessment and review of the Executive Management's performance and succession preparedness. The chairman of the Board has the overall responsibility for conducting the self-assessment of the Board of Directors and review of the Executive Management. Every third year, the self-assessment and review is facilitated by external consultants who interview all members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management. Here in 2022 the evaluation process based on a questionnaire was done and reported by an external consultant.
The annual self-assessment in 2022 was less comprehensive but included an assessment of strategy development and implementation, cooperation between the Board of Directors and the Executive Management, Board composition and dynamics, preparation and accomplishment of board meetings, Committee value contribution and evaluation of the chairman.
Overall, the self-assessment revealed good performance by the Board of Directors as well as good cooperation between the Board of Directors and the Executive Management.
The Board found that:
1) The workload for top management is very high.
2) The transaction around carving out the Infrastructure Outsourcing business is comprehensive and complex.
3) The overall strategy work in NNIT is important as we need to relaunch the remaining business as a modern and appealing IT consulting services partner for Life Science customers and public customers in Denmark.
Read more about the Board of Directors
Chairman, Member of the Remuneration Committee
Born in 1962. Danish citizen.
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Commerce, Int. Marketing from Copenhagen Business School.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2016.
Other directorships
Chairman of the Boards of SAS AB, Icotera A/S, MT Højgaard Holding A/S and Terma A/S, and member of the Investment Committees of Maj Invest.
Regarded as independent.
Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
Born in 1959. Danish citizen.
Master of Laws from the University of Copenhagen and AMP from Wharton Business School.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2015.
Other directorships
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nordic Transport Group (NTG) A/S, Danmarks Skibskredit A/S, Den Erhvervsdrivende Fond Gl. Strand, DAFA Holding A/S and MFT Energy A/S. Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of LEO Fondet. Member of the board of Altor Fund Manager AB.
Regarded as independent.
Board member, Chairman of the Audit Committee
Born in 1961. Danish citizen.
MSc in Economics from the University of Aarhus.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2014.
Other directorships
Chairman of the board at Velliv, Pension & Livsforsikring A/S and Julius P. Justesen Fond. Deputy Chairman of Børns Vilkår. Member of the boards of VKR Holding A/S, Rambøll Gruppen, Sleep Cycle AB, ATP and Aquaporin A/S.
Regarded as independent.
Board member
Born in 1961. French and British citizen.
MSc in Robotics from the University of Montreal, Canada, Master in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, École Centrale de Paris, France.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2018.
Regarded as independent.
Board member, Member of the Audit Committee, Member of the Remuneration Committee
Born in 1972. Danish citizen.
Master of Science, Economics (cand.polit.) from the University of Copenhagen. Post graduate executive education from IMD.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2018.
Other directorships
Executive Vice President of Nordics, Baltics and UK of Mediq and Chairman of the two Danish subsidiaries of Mediq International B.V. as well as Chairman of the Mediq group-subsidaries in Finland (3 companies), Sweden (3 companies), Norway (2 companies), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and board member in a subsidiary in UK.
Board member, Member of the Audit Committee
Born in 1974. British citizen.
BA (Hons) Historical Studies from University of Sunderland.
IMD Lausanne Global Board Education Programme.
Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Member of the Board of Directors since 2022.
Other directorships
CFO of Novo Holdings A/S. Non-Executive Member of Tanjun 1 GP Limited in Guernsey (UK).
Not regarded as independent due to his CFO position in Novo Holdings A/S which is a major shareholder of NNIT A/S.
Employee-elected representative
Born 1968. Danish citizen.
Master in French And International Relations from Aalborg University. Diploma in African Area Studies from Copenhagen University. Resource Management Consultant.
Employee-elected member of the Board of Directors since 2019, joined NNIT in 2004.
Position at NNIT Business Development Consultant, Hybrid Cloud, Data & AI.
Employee-elected representative
Born 1982. Danish citizen.
BSc. in Computer Sciences from ARU, Cambridge, UK.
Director (Head of Architecture Life Science Delivery) at NNIT A/S.
Employee-elected member of 2022, joined NNIT in 2015.
Employee-elected representative
Born 1962. Danish citizen.
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School.
Senior IT Quality Subject Matter Expert at NNIT A/S.
Employee-elected member of the Board of Directors since 2015, re-elected in 2019, joined the Novo Nordisk Group in 2000 and NNIT in 2011.
Other Directorships
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Residence Massena Nice A/S.
Position at NNIT Subject Matter Expert, Quality & Security.